Search your Abaqus Subroutine here:
Help in Abaqus project and Help to write a Abaqus Subroutine Can be done in several ways: First way which is the most time consuming one is Abaqus tutorial documentation. To clarify, It can take 6-24 months to learn to write and run a Subroutine in Abaqus. Second is the more efficient method: using Abaqus subroutine tutorial. It can take 2-4 weeks to write a Abaqus Subroutine and run it in Abaqus by using a Abaqus Subroutines training package. Third, the most efficient method to learn a Abaqus Subroutines, is staying in touch with a Subroutines expert.
Abaqus has many aspects and applications [1], Although, Fortran has numerous functions. Therefore, It takes a long time to write a Abaqus Subroutines and run it in Abaqus with usual methods.
Help in your Abaqus project:
The most efficient method to learn a Abaqus Subroutine is staying in touch with a Subroutines expert in your project. We can help you in your Abaqus project and we can write your Abaqus Subroutine, Then we will make Abaqus Subroutines training videos for your projects. Consequently, you will get your projects package. It is very useful and time saving because you will skip not important aspects of Abaqus modeling and Fortran. In this package, you will get:
- Step by Step training videos
- Abaqus/Abaqus Subroutine files
- Extracted graphs and curves
You can order you Abaqus Subroutines project by clicking here
Abaqus Subroutines tutorial packages
FEAassist has made Abaqus Subroutine tutorial packages includes high quality training videos in which the complex coding issues is simplified as much as possible to make it easy for you to write a Abaqus Subroutine. We have chosen only important and needed aspects of Abaqus modeling and Fortran and as a result, It will certainly save your time incredibly make it easy. This will help you learn Abaqus Subroutine Much easier, Much faster. With FEAassist Abaqus Subroutine tutorial packages, It can take 2-4 weeks to write a Abaqus Subroutine and run it in Abaqus.
FEAassist provides training packages for other Abaqus Subroutines, [1] that whose applications and links can be found here. Do not hesitate to ask questions from our experts on the Abaqus sintering CREEP tutorial.
Application | FEAassist tutorials | More | Application | FEAassist tutorials | More |
Mechanical property | UMAT | Ex. Link | – | UMDFLUX | Ex. Link |
Mechanical property | VUMAT | Ex. Link | Mesh motion | UMESHMOTION | Ex. Link |
Creep and swelling | CREEP | Ex. Link | Cavity motion | UMOTION | Ex. Link |
Nonuniform fluid | DFLOW | Ex. Link | Damage variable | UMULLINS | Ex. Link |
Nonuniform flux | DFLUX | Ex. Link | Initial fluid pres | UPOREP | Ex. Link |
Prescribed BC | DISP | Ex. Link | Prescribed pres | UPRESS | Ex. Link |
Nonuniform loads | DLOAD | Ex. Link | Frequency | UPSD | Ex. Link |
Nonuniform film | FILM | Ex. Link | Read result | URDFIL | Ex. Link |
Nonuniform consolidation | FLOW | Ex. Link | Redefine field | USDFLD | Ex. Link |
Friction | FRIC | Ex. Link | Prescribed temp | UTEMP | Ex. Link |
Friction coefficient | FRICCOEF | Ex. Link | Nonuniform traction | UTRACLOAD | Ex. Link |
Conductance | GAPCON | Ex. Link | Viscoelastic | UTRS | Ex. Link |
Cross-correlation prop. | UCORR | Ex. Link | Element output | UVARM | Ex. Link |
Time-dependent creep | UCREEPNETWORK | Ex. Link | |||
Nonuniform current | UDECURRENT | Ex. Link | – | VDFLUX | Ex. Link |
Nonuniform magnetic | UDEMPOTENTIAL | Ex. Link | Prescribed BC | VDIS | Ex. Link |
Damage initiation | UDMGINI | Ex. Link | Nonuniform loads | VDLOAD | Ex. Link |
User element | UEL | Ex. Link | User external DB | VEXTERNALDB | Ex. Link |
User element prop | UELMAT | Ex. Link | Fabric material | VFABRIC | Ex. Link |
Thermal strains | UEXPAN | Ex. Link | Friction | VFRIC | Ex. Link |
User external DB | UEXTERNALDB | Ex. Link | Friction coefficient | VFRIC_COEF | Ex. Link |
Predefined field V | UFIELD | Ex. Link | Friction | VFRICTION | Ex. Link |
Fluid density | UFLUID | Ex. Link | – | VOIDRI | Ex. Link |
Mechanical shell | UGENS | Ex. Link | Amplitudes | VUAMP | Ex. Link |
Yield & hardening | UHARD | Ex. Link | User element | VUEL | Ex. Link |
Hypoelastic | UHYPEL | Ex. Link | Equation of state | VUEOS | Ex. Link |
Hyperelastic | UHYPER | Ex. Link | Thermal strains | VUEXPAN | Ex. Link |
Surface interaction | UINTER | Ex. Link | Yield & hardening | VUHARD | Ex. Link |
Mass flow | UMASFL | Ex. Link | Surface interaction | VUINTER | Ex. Link |
Material’s thermal | UMATHT | Ex. Link | Damage variable | VUMULLINS | Ex. Link |
VUSDFLD | Ex. Link | Crystal plasticity | CPFEM | Ex. Link |